One superb blog, one superb e-newsletter
I want to take this opportunity to introduce everyone to a couple of sources I've come across since my last posting.
A "must read" blog is called the "Resource Blog." Published twice weekly, the "Resource Blog" is a review "of the latest resources in theology, apologetics and philosophy." One of my favorite two sections covers new audio files (including many podcasts); the other is a selection of links to blog entries from other sites. Great time saver -- and a great way to find new sources. To subscribe, add to your aggregator.
The e-newsletter is from The Journey with Jesus Foundation. The newsletter itself isn't very useful, but the site itself is great. Every week there is an essay based upon a RCL reading for the week. At first glance, it may appear like a mini-sermon -- these are "homilies," right?
Don't be mislead. It really is more of an essay than a sermon, homily or reflection. Dan Clendenin draws from many sources, some personal, some scholarly, quite a mix. I read a lot of essays, sermons, homilies and reflections based upon the RCL, mostly from sources linked by The Text This Week; more specifically, sources which I receive as an AvantGo "Personal Channel" on my smartphone. (Simply add this as an AvantGo channel.) By far, Dan's essays are the best.

David Scott Lewis